Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Level 1: Policy Search: GMHC, Class + Text

Cooking: If Negi, is making a bowl of Sofrito for "GMHC's on-the-go" program, what ingredients should she include?
In your own words, define the term "policy"
Read GMHC's new contract. Identify their new policy due to the Coronavirus.
We are excited to announce the new “GMHC on The Go” meals. We work to make sure our community members are well cared for and staying safe. *staying safe
new community members 
GMHC meals on the go
We can COMPARE the GHMC role of "facility maintenance" to the classroom role of ____________
Construction: Imagine Negi is trying to re-build her kitchen in Brooklyn, NY what item would she use to fix her walls?

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