Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday May 27

What type of graph is used to represent the data? *
Captionless Image
What data is represented in the graph? *
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Level 1: Which main idea received the MOST student votes? Level 2 and Level 3: Choose ONE main idea from The Fault in Our Stars and write an example from the text using a complete sentence *
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Your answer
Select the IEP goal you worked on today: *

Tuesday May 26

Level 1: According to the chart, which location has the least risk (smaller circles)
Captionless Image
Level 2: According to the chart, which location has the MOST risk (larger circle) and the LEAST risk (smaller circle)?
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Your answer
Level 3: According to the chart, which TWO locations have the MOST risk (larger circle) and the LEAST risk (smaller circle)?
Captionless Image

Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday May 22

Watch or listen to "Decision-Making"

Level 1: In the video I observed: a) fighting b) choices c) working
In YOUR OWN WORDS, describe a decision made in the video: _______________________________________________
Mark 1:10 - 2:14: What items can we use to plan for our decisions? _________________________________________.

Level 2: Using a complete sentence, describe the decisions the character makes in video.

Level 3: Using a complete sentence, describe what the character does FIRST before making a specific decision

Thursday May 21

(#1)Hazel told Mom she wanted to call Augustus to get her out of the room, because she didn't want to see her sad face. (#2)Augustus Waters answered the phone and she read him the letter she received from Peter VanHousen. She asked him the big question: How am I going to get to Amsterdam?! (#3)Augustus suggested Hazel use a wish from The Genie Foundation, which grants sick kids one wish. Hazel said, “I used my wish from the Genie Foundation already when I was 13.” (#4)Augustus was surprised at her decision and asked her what she used it for. Hazel felt quiet and shy to answer. “I used my only Wish to go to Disney World with my parents and also Epcot Center", Hazel said. He felt comfortable being honest with Augustus.

Level 1:
1) Line #1: Which three characters are described ?
a) Peter, Genie and Disney. b) Hazel, Mom, Augustus
2) Line #2: What item did Hazel read to Augustus? Hazel read the _____________
a) the train b) the letter c) the phone
3) Line #3: What does the Genie Foundation do?
4) Line #4: Describe the decision that surprised Augustus.

Level 2: Describe TWO different decisions our characters make in the text:

Level 3: Describe THREE different decisions our characters make in the text